Composting: Its Advantages and Why You Should Start a Compost Pile

By John Ehrling Posted on 10/9/2018

We all know that composting is good for the environment, as well as good for gardens, but have you ever stopped to consider what composting is, why it’s advantageous, and why you should start your very own organic compost pile? As a natural byproduct that can act as a soil conditioner, a fertilizer, and a natural pesticide, compost is a commodity you want to consider today.

compost pile in wood frameWhat is Compost?

Compost is organic matter that has decomposed in a process called composting. The composting process recycles various organic materials, that would have otherwise been thrown out, and creates soil condition (also known as the compost) when it’s all said and done. The resulting soil is incredibly rich in nutrients, and can be used for everything from gardens and landscaping, to organic farming and urban agriculture.

Why Should I Have a Compost Pile?

It actually takes little effort to set up your own compost pile, providing you with numerous benefits that come through the natural process of Mother Nature. Here are just a few reasons why you should have your own garden compost pile:

  1. Waste Reduction: The next time you go to throw out eggshells or the ends of the asparagus you don’t want to eat, instead, you can place them in your compost pile. Overtime, you will greatly reduce your wasteful footprint, recycling organic scraps to create something totally new and nutrient-rich. The waste reduction will reduce the total amount of waste sent to landfills as well.
  2. Garden Success: Every gardener knows that soil makes-or-breaks the yielded plants. Compost provides you with new, nutrient rich soil that enhances the overall quality of the entire garden. As a natural, organic byproduct, it’s safe and chemical-free soil that will in turn, produce vibrant and safe-to-eat crop harvests.
  3. Cost Savings: After the initial cost of setting up the compost pile, you’ll never have to pay for soil or added nutrients ever again. Overtime, it will save you hundreds of dollars you would have spent at the local gardening store.
  4. Water Savings: Since composting occurs in closed containers, the resulting soil is actually more water-saturated than regular soil. Consequently, you won’t have to use tons of additional water to get your plants moving. It’s another environmentally friendly practice that is good for everyone.

Best of all, composting is a great way to connect with nature, making your soil “from scratch” before you start planting this year. Much like bakers take pride in making their dough from scratch, taking part in the actual making of your soil while sparing the environment and landfills around the country, is a new kind of satisfaction you can’t get anywhere else.

If not for the convenience and cost savings, consider your very own compost pile this year to help the environment.