We already know about the many health benefits of gardening, and now we’re going to touch on growing your own vegetables vs. buying them in a grocery store or farmer’s market.
Having a vegetable garden in your own yard can promote healthy eating and it can save you money each week as well. The health benefits are enough to persuade anyone to pick up gardening as a hobby – it can improve your mental health, reduce stress and risk of a stroke or heart attack, strengthen hand dexterity and brain health and lower your blood pressure.
With fresh vegetables at your fingertips, you’re more likely to eat the recommended dosage of vegetables needed per day to be our healthiest. Vegetables contain fiber, Vitamins A and C, potassium and many other healthy components we need to function at our best. In addition, teaching kids that vegetables are an important part of our everyday diet by leading by example can set them up for a lifetime of healthy eating and prioritizing their health.
In the case of growing your own vegetables vs. buying fresh produce at the store, we believe growing your own vegetables in your home garden wins by a long shot. Not only will a vegetable garden provide the above health benefits, it can mean spending a few dollars on seeds vs. spending much more than that in store. Not only will home grown vegetables taste fresher and more flavorful, it also decreases our environmental footprint to grow vegetables at home.
Simply plant your tomato, lettuce, broccoli, carrots, peppers, cucumbers, corn and squash in the springtime and enjoy freshly grown produce all summer long.
Find & compare the world’s best garden suppliers for vegetable seeds or flower seeds to use in your garden. Garden Savvy is the gardening catalog of catalogs. Search our gardening database now!